
Upcoming Screenings

Here are some upcoming screenings of The Story of Ikerus!

Little Cinema Galway - July 30th - 21:00
The Little Cinema will be hosting a night of shorts in the Roisin Dubh (for the first time!)
Drink pints and watch films.
All details here.

Castlepalooza - Eat My Shorts - August 2nd
The Story of Ikerus will be screened on the second day of the Castlepalooza festival in Offaly.
Drink whatever people drink at festivals and watch films.
All details here.

Hackfest 2014 - August 27th - 19:00
The first ever Hackfest will be held in Hendrons Collider in Dublin.
Drink cans and watch films.

Do come and enjoy!

I will be in attendance for 2 of these 3 screenings... try to guess which ones. Please feel free to ask me questions and tell me how much you loved the character of Dadurus and tell me about what your favourite kind of gin is at any of these.
